上海臻云翻译服务有限公司为您提供多语种、跨行业的翻译服务和口译服务微信同号。在翻译的过程中,如果按照原有的英文来翻译中文的话,很多时候会显得语句不通或者不 符合表达习惯,在这个时候,议员们就要对原来的语句词性进行转换翻译,那么有哪些词性转换方式呢?In the process of if in with the original English Chinese to wordsoften appear sentence or expressi1at this timethe members will be carried out on the original speech then what are the conversion way? 词性转换一共分为三块,一是转换为名词,二是转换为动词,三是其他词类的转换,不前两种用的比较频繁而已。今天主要说一下前两种转换br>Part of speech conversion is pided into three partsone is d into nounstwo is converted into verbsand three is the conversion of other parts of speechbut the first two are used more frequently. TodayI,d like to say the first two conversi1. 转换为名br>Convert to NOUN 1、动词转译为名词 1the verb d into nouns 2、形容词转译为名br>2. Adjectives are d into nouns 转译为动br> into verbs 1、名词转译为动词 1. nouns into verbs 2、介词转译为动词 2prepositid into verbs 3、形容词转译为动br>3. Adjectives are d into verbs 4、副词转译为动词 4adverbs d into verbs